How to apply for Residence Permit in Italy 🇮🇹 | Required documents

Now everything will be here for you because when you come here you don’t know when you have to go back and whatever happens, bring all your documents with you, any document with you. Don’t be left behind.

Visa Information

The visa that you get is a visa which is for one year. There is a mention on it for 365 days. On that visa, you can travel to all the nine countries which are 27 or 28. If you go to any other country, you can legally stay in that country for a maximum of three months without a visa or without a residence permit, which I came to know after coming here.

If you come to France, that is to say, when you come to Italy, within 8 days or 10 days, it is also a requirement of the university that when you apply for your residence permit, it is a mandatory thing.

Required Documents

So what are the documents required for this and those which you bring with you from Pakistan? One important thing which I will discuss in detail about the document further. Before I tell you that when you come from Pakistan, you have to bring the bank statement with you. If you have the PDF, then get it copied. If you do not have the PDF, then bring two sets of it with you from Pakistan. One set is also fine. One set means you submit it along with the documents of your residence permit.

The procedure to apply for the residence permit is something like this: you come here to Italy and from any post office (they do not call it Posti Talia), you pick up a kit from any post office.

If any of you has reached Italy and does not know how to fill the kit, he can email or message me. I will feed him a PDF file on how to fill the kit. I have for the residence permit and I will share that with him.

Now, if we talk about documents, the first document which is there is called the Fiscal Code or Tax Code. When you reach here, the first document is the one you go to the agency, meaning the tax agency here, which you get from there.

You get this document made by Kotche Fiscal and some universities. It is already given by us. We went to Bologna and got it made ourselves. After that, there is a copy of your passport and then there is a copy of your visa. I will tell you all the copies. The copy is submitted there, and after that, the bank statement. I told you that in Pakistan, you need the bank statement which you submitted along with the visa file.

Apart from that, if your university has given you any admission letter, you have to submit that admission letter. If the admission letter is not given to you, then you will be emailed with proper details that your admission has been done. All these procedures are there, then you have to print it and attach it along with you.

After that, you will get the visa. Along with the file, you had also attached the health insurance. You have to attach the copy of that health insurance in it. The last thing, the most important thing, is that you have to submit the document of where you are living in Italy.

Now in that document, there are two things: one is a house contract. Everyone knows how difficult it is to get a house contract. The second one is that if you are living on a sharing basis with any person, you are living in his house. You are an age person. You are living as a host. You live with him, like this. It is called living as a host.

Then you talk to his landlord or the person who has the contract that he has given you a lease. Get a hospitality certificate or simply we call it OSPE. You fill that OSPE and sign it, attach it with your residence permit document and put it in the kit.

First of all, you pick up the kit from the post. After picking up the kit, sitting at home, you fill out the kit and then put the documents along with the kit. You also have to put two passport-size pictures in it. I am not sure how much two or four seems like, but when you come from Pakistan, you have to carry a lot of passport-size pictures with you. Bringing it here will cost you a lot, and then you will say later that you wish you had brought it.

Bring that picture along with you, and you have to put all these things in your kit. You put all these things in the kit, and then you have to go and reach there. Talia again has to go there and submit the kit. When you go there and submit the kit, you have to pay a fee along with it. Its fee is around 103 or 104 Euros. I don’t know the exact amount, and it does not cost more than 104 Euros.

Let’s put it at 110 euros, or if not, 106, 106 or 110 euros is your fee. When you submit the kit, they give you a paper. This kind of paper is a big paper; your date and time are mentioned in it. It has the date and time which is on your fingerprints. For example, today you have submitted your kit and after 10 days, you have got the date that says to come at 10:00 in the morning.

Kastura says it is the police station where there is immigration. They have called you that you will be fingerprinted at 10:00. You go there with your passport and all the documents and there you give your fingerprints, that is, all the fingers of both hands. After taking your finger, they give you a paper which is called Riche Vuta Receipt. It is also called Riche Vuta in Italian.

Now on that receipt, for example, if the visa has expired and if you want to go to Pakistan on that receipt, then you can go to Pakistan and come back, but you cannot travel to other European countries or Schengen countries. Similarly, when you get that receipt, it takes one month, two months, or three months for your residence permit to be ready.

You see its number again and again on the website. You put the number and check whether your residence permit is ready or not. Once your residence permit is ready, you go to their website and book an appointment, and on that day, you pick up your residence permit from there.

One more thing, the residence permit of Italy is for one year. It happens that after one year, you have to apply again. This whole process has to be repeated again. Then in the second year, you will remain a student, and in two years, your degree is completed. In the third year, you get a job search, and then in the fourth year or fifth year, this is how your residence permit becomes work.

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